If you had a friend who texted you 10 times a day and who was always asking you for money in one form or another, that person would not be your friend for much longer.
We want to support the Democratic cause and actions: the fundraising is beyond irritating and not transparent. We can't see what we are funding and there is not feedback after donating.
1) I am far from knowledge about the general public's ability to determine the difference between a PAC, a local/state party fundraising community, a campaign committee, and the "Democratic Party" (really another party committee, but in it's own class). If any of these continues to text in an aggressive manner it is likely the Party as a whole will be punished.
2) The approach to texting, fundraising in general, and door knocking/voter outreach all stems from the same central philosophy of "more is better." The aphorism that "quantity has a quality of it's own" has proven true, but only when the quantity is of a certain minimum quality. It is not evident to me that the minimum quality standard has been reached.
3) You are suggesting solving a problem with communication by communicating that the current communication, over which you admit the DNC has limited control, is not from the DNC, despite the communication's insistence to the contrary and questionable ability for the public to differentiate. The Harris campaign is still sending out donor texts in order to clear it's debts. This is not communication the DNC has any real control over, but is unambiguously tied to the Democratic Party in the public eye.
I am 1000% in favor of stopping the texts. They annoy the hell out of me and everyone I know. But, they work well enough to be worth the effort. That means that unless violators of a ban can be punished a race to the bottom is inevitable. The only stable equilibria are no texts, or a virtual free-for-all.
We want to support the Democratic cause and actions: the fundraising is beyond irritating and not transparent. We can't see what we are funding and there is not feedback after donating.
Like a bad charity.
A few things to consider:
1) I am far from knowledge about the general public's ability to determine the difference between a PAC, a local/state party fundraising community, a campaign committee, and the "Democratic Party" (really another party committee, but in it's own class). If any of these continues to text in an aggressive manner it is likely the Party as a whole will be punished.
2) The approach to texting, fundraising in general, and door knocking/voter outreach all stems from the same central philosophy of "more is better." The aphorism that "quantity has a quality of it's own" has proven true, but only when the quantity is of a certain minimum quality. It is not evident to me that the minimum quality standard has been reached.
3) You are suggesting solving a problem with communication by communicating that the current communication, over which you admit the DNC has limited control, is not from the DNC, despite the communication's insistence to the contrary and questionable ability for the public to differentiate. The Harris campaign is still sending out donor texts in order to clear it's debts. This is not communication the DNC has any real control over, but is unambiguously tied to the Democratic Party in the public eye.
I am 1000% in favor of stopping the texts. They annoy the hell out of me and everyone I know. But, they work well enough to be worth the effort. That means that unless violators of a ban can be punished a race to the bottom is inevitable. The only stable equilibria are no texts, or a virtual free-for-all.